Hi there!
If you’re seeing this page, you’re either:
1. not logged in or
2. you haven’t purchased the product you’re trying to access.
Option 1:
If you’ve already purchased the course you’re trying to access, ensure that you’re logged in by clicking the link below. Once you’re logged in, try accessing the course again. If you still end up on this page, it means you haven’t purchased the product.
Link to log in: https://courses.childrensbookmastery.com/wp-login.php
If you believe you’ve purchased the course but still can’t access it, email support@childrensbookmastery.com with your invoice so we can resolve the issue.
Option 2:
To purchase the course, click the button below to view all available courses. Choose the course you want, purchase it and then log out and back into the membership site. You should then have access to the course.
If you encounter any issues, please email support@childrensbookmastery.com.